Grade 3/4

In Middle Years, we challenge students to become independent learners though a variety of learning styles. Students work in whole class, small groups, and partnerships and individually to complete tasks.
Our daily timetable focuses on a two hour Literacy block. Here, students read for 30 minutes and conference with teachers about texts. They work in ability level reading groups that focus on comprehension, spelling and research skills. Writing sessions explore a variety of text types. Students also get the chance to write creatively. Each student receives a Writers Notebook at the start of the year. Here, they write about life stories, create ‘life menus’ and collect photographs and souvenirs to write recounts about. A one hour Numeracy block involves learning around number and applied topics. Students use a variety of concrete learning tools to assist with working out and work in small group or teacher focussed sessions to further develop problem solving skills. Each term, students are involved in an Integrated Unit based on investigating and researching worldly topics. These units often involve a major project or presentation to help with research and speaking and listening skills.  


Each class utilises a variety of engaging and stimulating technological tools. Interactive White Boards or Projectors are in all classrooms, assisting teachers to introduce topics to the class. Teachers can also share student samples of work for all students to view and learn fro Our students also have access to iPads allowing them to explore and interact using applications, websites, pictures and diagrams. The use of ICT equipment and resources is highly valued, with a high emphasis being placed on their incorporation into planning documents on a weekly basis.

Extra Curricular
Students have the opportunity to undertake a variety of activities to challenge their leadership, public speaking and performance skills. Students may choose to run for Junior School Council Representatives. Each class has two members that represent the students. They share ideas on fundraising events to support the school and charities. They may be selected to present at our special ANZAC assembly where they research historical facts. They are also given the chance to join the senior music performance group to extend their music and drama skills.